Skipper Cup 2020, rezultati / results
Objavljamo rezultate tokratne regate. Kategorija Open in kategorija ORC. Rezultati so objavljeni tudi na spletni strani ORC, dosegljivi so tukaj.
The results of Skipper Cup are published. Available here for ORC and for Open. ORC published results are available here.
The results of Skipper Cup are published. Available here for ORC and for Open. ORC published results are available here.
Skipper Cup 2020, razpis (NoR)Bliža se letošnja regata Skipper Cup. Objavljamo razpis za regato ter prijavni obrazec. Vljudno vabljeni!
Notice of race and the application form for the upcoming Skipper Cup are published. |
Skipper Cup 2019, Notice of RaceObjavljamo razpis za regato ter prijavni obrazec // Notice of race and the application form for the upcoming Skipper Cup are published.
Skipper Cup 2019, resultsIt is good to be beautiful, but in life it is also important to be the best! Here they are: ResultsORC and ResultsOpen.
Skipper Cup 2018, razpis (NoR)Objavljamo razpis za regato ter prijavni obrazec. // Notice of race and the application form for the upcoming Skipper Cup are published.
Skiper Cup 2018, resultsResults ORC and Results.
Skipper Cup 2017, results
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